Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A part of the world I want to learn about

Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is considered one of the world's greatest natural resource. Another term that it is commonly known as if the "Lungs of our Planet." This is because almost 20% of earth's oxygen is produced by the rainforest.  rainforest.

Here is what I found on GOOGLE EARTH! 

After discussing in class the depletion of resources within the world and also bringing up the topic of the Amazon rainforest, I became curious about the topic of the rainforest. I was so surprised to find out that the rainforest receives over nine feet of rain per year!

Another surprising factor of the rainforest is the amount of wildlife in the area. First of all, the Amazon covers half of Brazil or more, and the amount of animals is enormous. The canopy of the amazon is less studied than the ocean floor. I have heard that even scientists do not know everything that lives in the ocean, so I can only imagine what is not known about the Amazon. Scientists infer that the Amazon holds half of the world's species of animals which is about 500 types of mammals, 175types of lizards,over 300 types of reptile species and a whole one third of all the bird species. With all these animals running free, it is hard to imagine survival in the amazon. 

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